Strong Body | Strong Mind

At The LISPY School (Lifeologie Institute School for Psychotherapeutic Yoga), we offer our unique YogaZama yoga teacher training, elective workshops, courses and events for therapists, yogis, high performers, executives and others interested in psychotherapeutic yoga - yoga for your brain.

Psychotherapeutic yoga differs from standard yoga training because it steeps traditional yoga techniques in research-backed science with a heavy focus in neurobiology. It focuses on how these same yoga modalities (the ones that give you toned legs, strong arms, and a perky butt) can be used to achieve an integrated brain, mind and body approach to optimal health!

Learn the scientifically proven effects of yoga, meditation and mindfulness while, most critically, gaining knowledge on how you can apply this deep understanding to better serve your clients and yourself. 

Our introductory program is YogaZama: our 200-hour, Yoga Alliance approved* psychotherapeutic yoga teacher training that merges eastern philosophies and yoga tradition with western brain science. 

This next-level yoga training is perfect for:

  • Individuals seeking to teach yoga that builds strong bodies and strong minds
  • Clinicians who want to understand how a comprehensive mind-body approach to healing can better serve their clients
  • Yoga therapists interested in the unique field of psychotherapeutic yoga

*The yoga therapy components of our psychotherapeutic yoga training are not derived from our RYS status with Yoga Alliance

Note: LISPY's psychotherapeutic yoga training does not qualify graduates to diagnose or treat mental illness, nor practice as a licensed mental health professional.